June 20, 2022

Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts come in handy for most people as they use specific computer features. They give the user a simple and effective way to execute an action that would typically take some time and require more work.

The best way to make keyboard shortcuts work for you is to learn about your current computer program. Keep in mind that there will likely be numerous shortcuts for your system, but you don’t need to learn all of them. Take some time to discover the ones that will be best for you and your needs.

Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcuts

For Windows 10 users, there are multiple shortcuts that can be used to increase productivity. If you’re looking for ways to simplify your processes on Windows 10, many of these shortcuts will be useful.

Here are some of the key shortcuts that you may want to check out:


Most Common/Used Shortcuts

If you’re looking for the shortcuts you’ll be most likely to use regularly, this is the section for you. Take note of these shortcuts and you’ll be set to fly through your work with ease and efficiency.

The most commonly used shortcuts include selecting all content by with (CTRL + A), copying selected contents to the clipboard with (CTRL + C), pasting content from the clipboard with (CTRL + V), undoing an action (CTRL + Z), and redoing an action (CTRL + Y).

Knowing how to perform the most common actions can save you a lot of time and headaches as you work on your computer. Here are some of the other most common shortcuts for Windows 10:

  • Create New Folder (CTRL + Shift + N)
  • Close Active Window (Alt + F4)
  • Send Chosen Items to Recycle Bin (CTRL + D)
  • Delete Chosen Items Permanently (Shift + Delete)
  • Rename Item (F2)
  • Close Current Task (ESC)
  • Switch Between Open Apps (Alt + Tab)
  • Take Screenshot and Store in Clipboard (PrtScrn)
  • Open Settings (Windows key + I)
  • Open File Explorer (Windows Key + E)
  • Open Action Center (Windows Key + A)


Windows Key Shortcuts

Combining the Windows key with other specific keys allows you to perform some of the most common tasks, some of which were previously mentioned.

Things you probably do every time you get on the computer can be done in a matter of seconds with these shortcuts. They include opening pinned taskbar apps, files, settings, and run command, as well as taking screenshots, locking the computer, and more. Essentially, any of the tasks you might regularly perform can likely be done with a keyboard shortcut.

To complete a Windows key shortcut, you simply press the Windows key, along with another key in order to perform a certain command. On its own, the Windows key opens Start. If you add A, you’ll open the Action center. Adding S opens Search. Adding L locks the computer. Adding M minimizes the window.

Here are other commands you can perform using the Windows key:

  • Launch Cortana (+C)
  • Launch Feedback (+F)
  • Launch Gamebar (+G)
  • Open Project Settings (+P)
  • Open Quick Link Menu (+X)
  • Open Connect Settings (+K)
  • Open Run Command (+R)
  • Open Settings (+I)
  • Open File Explorer (+E)
  • Open Dictation (+H)
  • Open Narrator (+CTRL+ENTER)
  • Zoom In (+ +)
  • Zoom Out (+ -)
  • Escape Magnifier (+ESC)
  • Maximize App Windows (+ up arrow)
  • Minimize App Windows (+ down arrow)
  • Minimize or Maximize all Windows Except Active Desktop Window (+Home)
  • Open Task View (+Tab)
  • Create a Virtual Desktop (+ CTRL + D)
  • Close Active Virtual Desktop (+CTRL + F4)
  • Take Full Screenshot ( + PrtScn)
  • Create Part Screen Screenshot (+ Shift + S)
  • Open Quick Assist (+ CTRL + Q)
  • Open Emoji Panel ( + period or semicolon)


Desktop Shortcuts

Desktop shortcuts are simple shortcuts you can use to perform some of the most basic tasks on your desktop. These shortcuts can eliminate downtime and make computer work a breeze.

The most common desktop shortcuts include opening the start menu (Windows key), changing start menu size (CTRL + arrow key), opening task manager (CTRL + Shift + ESC), switching keyboard layout (CTRL + Shift), and closing the active window (Alt + F4).

There are other desktop shortcuts you may want to use in your work, including:

  • Refresh Current Window (CTRL + F5)
  • View Open Apps (CTRL + Alt + Tab)
  • Select Multiple Items (CTRl + Arrow Keys + Spacebar)
  • Go Back (Alt + Left Arrow)
  • Go Forward (Alt + Right Arrow)
  • Go Up One Screen (Alt + Page Up)
  • Go Down One Screen (Alt + Page Down)
  • Show Typed Password in Sign-On Screen (Alt + F8)
  • Move Cursor to Beginning of Previous Word (CTRL + Left Arrow)
  • Move Cursor to Beginning of Next Word (CTRL + Right Arrow)
  • Move Cursor to Beginning of Previous Paragraph (CTRL + Up Arrow)
  • Move Cursor to Beginning of Next Paragraph (CTRL + Down Arrow)
  • Choose a Block of Text (CTRL + Shift + Arrow)
  • Choose Multiple Items (Shift + Arrows)


Shortcuts for File Explorer

Using file explorer can be time consuming if you don’t know the fastest and easiest ways to make your way through the app. With keyboard shortcuts, you can perform your file explorer tasks with ease.

Some of the key shortcuts in file explorer include opening file explorer (Windows + E), choosing the address bar (Alt + D), choosing the search bar (CTRL + E), opening a new window (CTRL + N), closing the active window (CTRL + W), and beginning a search (CTRL + F).

There are other file explorer shortcuts you may want to use to increase your efficiency, including:

  • Expand Folders from Navigation Tree (CTRL + Shift + E)
  • Create New Folder (CTRL + Shift + N)
  • Focus on the Address Bar (CTRL + L)
  • Change Folder View (CTRL + Shift + Number)
  • Show Preview Panel (Alt + P)
  • Open Properties for an Item (Alt + Enter)
  • View Next Folder (Alt + Right Arrow)
  • View Previous Folder (Alt + Left Arrow)
  • Move to Next Folder Above (Alt + Up Arrow)
  • Rename Item (F2)


Other Shortcuts

Along with common shortcuts, there are a handful of other shortcuts that may come in handy for you. Shortcuts for the settings page, Microsoft Edge, and various commands can create additional help and ease while you work.


  • Cycle Forward through Tabs (CTRL + Tab)
  • Cycle Back through Tabs (CTRL + Shift + Tab)
  • Jump to Tab Position (CTRL + Number of Tab)
  • Move Forward through Settings (Tab)
  • Move Back through Settings (Shift + Tab)

Microsoft Edge

  • Show/Hide Favorites (CTRL + Shift + B)
  • First Item in Favorites (Alt + Shift + B)
  • Save Tab as Favorite (CTRL + D)
  • Save Open Tabs as New Folder Favorites (CTRL + Shift + D)
  • Start Address Bar Search (CTRL + E)
  • Open Settings Menu (Alt + E)
  • Open Find on Page (CTRL + F)
  • Open History in New Tab (CTRL + H)
  • Open Downloads in New Tab (CTRL + J)
  • Create Tab Duplicate (CTRL + Shift + K)
  • Paste and Go (CTRL + Shift + L)
  • Mute Tab (CTRL + M)
  • Open New Tab in New Window (CTRL + N)
  • Launch Open Dialog (CTRL + O)
  • Open Favorites Management (CTRL + Shift + O)
  • Print Page (CTRL + P)
  • Save Loaded Page (CTRL + S)
  • Open and Switch to New Tab (CTRL + T)
  • Paste without Formatting (CTRL + Shift + V)
  • Open Help (F1)
  • Enter Fullscreen (F11)

Command Prompts

  • Select all Line Contents (CTRL + A)
  • Copy to Clipboard (CTRL + C)
  • Paste from Clipboard (CTRL + V)
  • Open Command Prompt Search (CTRL + F)
  • Move Cursor Left or Right (L or R Arrows)
  • Cycle through Command History (Up or Down Arrows)
  • Move Up One Page (Page Up)
  • Move Down One Page (Page Down)
  • Scroll to Top of Console (CTRL + Home)
  • Scroll to Bottom of Console (CTRL + End)

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In Conclusion

Maximizing the productivity of your computer enables you to reduce the time you’re spending on work. With these Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts, you’ll be able to increase your efficiency, as well as your ease of work and progress.

Keep this article on hand or jot down the keyboard shortcuts you’re most likely to use for simple reference when you need it.

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